Posts Tagged ‘Politics’

My cousin asked the question, “Why do people say that voting Democratic is unChristian.” The following is my answer:

Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but here is the real truth of our current situation. Both parties have allowed their extreme elements to take control of the party platforms and they have redefined each. We, lay people, have sat back and allowed this to happen. We had

no specific issue that we wanted moved forward, for instance gay marriage, so we ignore politics until it affects us.

In regard to the current Democratic party, it is NOT the party of our grandparents. This is NOT the Democratic party YOU KNEW. This new Democratic party has a national platform which was adopted at the DNC convention that took out “God” and inserted “progressive” (i.e. socialistic) theory. Don’t just believe me, read it for yourself. I think you will be surprised to find the extent of socialist agenda. Unless we actually look into these things ourselves, we will not know what is there – we cannot allow the media to vet this for us as they are biased. Again, look at the character of the people who are in the Obama Administration and the DNC. All of them have ties to communism, socialism, etc. They don’t hide it!

What the Obama Administration has done to the Catholic church in particular has been terrible. They have put in place regulations and rules which NOW will prohibit Catholic charities to practice their faith in their (non-government funded) hospitals, missions, schools, etc. The Church is faced with performing abortions and funding other government-required aspects of Obamacare or close their doors. That leaves a giant opening for a government entity with no reference to God to come in and take over. It will only be soon that this expands to other Christian based churches and facilities. Don’t be fooled, this is a war on Christianity.

We can no longer sit back and think we have no business in our governance. It is our sacred duty to secure this country from the, excuse the phrase – idiots, who simply do not understand the repercussions of certain actions. What is frightening to me is that our country is seeing a paradigm shift in its demographic where more people are uneducated or undereducated in basic ideals. They have grown up expecting everything to be easy, given to them, they seem to think they “deserve” things. This new generation of voters seem to think the idealized socialism is the answer – welcome to the folly of every college student. Reality comes around and slaps you in the face when you realize that – just because we are all created equal, that means equal in the eyes of God, not equal in our skills, talents, even our physical capabilities. That line also does not mean that life is fair, contrary life is never fair. It is our ability to deal with the chaos and trials that make us who we are as individuals, then as a country.

In regard to the Republicans, they have had such poor leadership that they have no definition. Their hard-line right wing tactics have as of lately given way to a mushy middle-of-the-road that no one is happy with. It is those folks who fall between the parties that are the real core of America – the Libertarians – they are defined by the following: pro-military, pro-health INSURANCE REFORM (not health CARE reform) – this must include tort reform which trial lawyers fight against; they are primarily Judeo-Christian, they believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, however, they can bend to allow civil unions for gay couples; they want the government OUT OF OUR BEDROOMS, LIVING ROOMS AND KITCHENS; they believe in freedom OF religion NOT FROM religion; they believe in helping themselves, yet also helping their neighbors who are in trouble; they would not choose an abortion for themselves, however they believe that the government has NO RIGHT to tell a woman what she can and cannot do in this regard – most of the folks I’ve interviewed say they think it is between a woman, her clergy, her family, her doctor. They believe that “the pursuit of happiness” should not be limited. As adults they believe that marijuana should be legalized, possibly everything else, in order to put RESPONSIBILITY ONTO THE INDIVIDUAL FOR HIS/HER ACTIONS. If we must legislate the behaviour modifications of our citizens, we are NOT GROWING strong citizens who can learn to make good choices.

I realize this sounds very terse, however, as the bible says, the poor will always be with us and it is our duty to help them to help themselves. However, I take that to be a metaphor for others, too: i.e. idiots. In the natural world, survival of the fittest takes care of the quality of its inhabitants.

So, after my long epistle…in today’s political landscape a vote for Democrats is, unfortunately, a vote for a non-Christian agenda. Once elected, even a stand up guy is forced to play ball with the powers that be in order to be effective for his state in any way. In essence, they must ALL make a deal with the devil or they get NO funds, contracts, industry, etc. for their states. Politics is dirty, unfair, Machiavellian…it is survival of the fittest

Those of you who know me, know that I used to be a Democrat – that was when the Democratic Party was a party that cared about helping people and small businesses to earn and grow on their own merits, through their own hard work.  That party is no longer alive.

The party callingImage themselves Democrat has been taken over by the Progressive movement (take a minute to look up the Progressives which began with Woodrow Wilson whose vision of a one world government gave birth to he United Nations and check out this article.)

True Democrats, have NO party. 

The Republican ImageParty has deteriorated into a scrambled mess with no real leader.  While they raise the banner for conservatism, they put forth Presidential candidates that are not true conservatives:  Bush, McCain, and Romney.

With a few exceptions, the Republicans in Congress have turned into vanilla clones with no backbone, no fire in their belly to fight.   Read this from conservative writer David Horowitz.

True Republican conservatives, have NO party. 

There are extremes to both sides of the fence, but as a whole, the majority of Americans fall into the right-of-center category.  WHERE is that party?  There is none.


We need a complete change in our political structure. The Tea Party has done their best to look at candidates from both parties and support those that assert an opinion that is from a “common sense” point of view.  However, the Tea Party is a movement, not a political party.  They have little power to do much.

Both Democrat and Republican parties control the money, and money controls the power.  At this point, those of us who are conservative or libertarian or old-school Democrats, have only one option…and that is to vote with the party that will do the least harm to the Country.  For 2012 that is Mitt Romney.

While I and others are tempted to vote for someone else, maybe Ron Paul or Donald Trump, that action will only gain a vote for Obama.  IN A NATIONAL ELECTION, ANY WRITE IN VOTES WILL ONLY HELP YOUR OPPOSITION.  Whether or not we like Romney (and I think he is not as aggressive as we need but…), we MUST vote for ROMNEY, else we will have, in fact, allowed a vote for Obama.

God Help Us.

To Limit or Not to Limit?
United States Capitol

United States Capitol

The question of term limits has been a vacillating argument of pro and con by both major political parties as well as third party candidates.  Their answers seem to be in direct correlation to the party in control at the time.  However, the reality is that there are good and bad points to both sides of the issue, making a definitive answer much more difficult to determine.

Those opposed to limiting the term of Senators and Congressmen point to the importance of institutional knowledge.  It stands to reason that people with past legislative experience would understand the system of government (and its red tape) and should be better prepared to represent their constituencies with more effective governance.  The major advantage for long term members is the status of seniority among their peers, which brings with it a code of loyalty within the party.  Thus, when a senior member suggests legislation, it is more likely to be accepted by his/her junior peers.

Advocates of term limits stress the corruptive potential such power can bring. For example, senior Senators and Congressmen hold a tight leash on their juniors to ensure enough votes to pass their proposed legislation.  Party leaders often dangle the threat of little to no support and financial contributions during re-election time for a dissenting junior – a major deterrent for criticizing members of their own party.  A scarcity of criticism and whistle blowing attests to the compliance of junior members to ignore the unscrupulous actions of some senior party members.  This allows for exploitation of power and money by those who place personal gain over the will and best interests of their constituents.  (more…)

Electorate Ennui

Posted: February 1, 2008 by April Watkins in Our Government, Politics
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I don’t know about you, but I am already exhausted with the Presidential Campaign of 2008.  I would venture a guess that so are most Americans.  The jocking for position by states to be the “first in caucuses”, or “first in primaries” has created nothing more than huge self promotions for those states.  As we have seen in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, the old conventionalism of early voting as a portent of success for one candidate or another has been completely dispelled.  Ironically, the fight for being first has had negative impacts for the campaigns of each candidate, as the voters in each state are determined to show that they are not mere sheep to be herded.  Instead voters are making decisions based on what is critical to their needs in their particular states, counties and communities.  (more…)

Most Americans can take a deep breath of relief as the U.S. Senate failed to pass vote of cloture on the Comprehensive Immigration Reform ACT, also known as CIRA.   A cloture is a method of parliamentary procedure that allows a voting body to close debate and take an immediate vote on the issue.  The cloture vote would have tabled any further discussion on this colossal bill which is filled with utopian ideals, unrealistic budget obligations and feckless border control.    (more…)